Thursday, September 10, 2009

Book Talks: What to Say and How to Say It

Great! The Chamber of Commerce or a similar group, has asked you to talk about your latest book. Although, then, are your business, you can talk to the public fear. What should you say? How does one say it? These tips will give help you to say a five-star book.

Confirm arrangements. Errors can happen and you do not want that they will not. One or two days before you planned to speak, confirm the date, time, place and your audiovisual needs. Toastmasters Internationalsays that you visit the site before. Make sure books will be available when you are speaking for your autograph.

Say hello to the audience. Come on time and greet spectators as they enter the room or store. This gives you an immediate connection with the audience and makes you an approachable person.

Check the public. Under the Advanced Public Speaking Institute, men and women respond differently to calls. Women laugh more than men easiily and "aall-male audience is critical to bind to [with]. . . especially if you are a famale speakers. "be prepared to make some last minute changes in your speech if you are a woman.

Thanks. Viewers have the time to come and hear you made, thank them for coming. Your do not have to be grateful for, but they must be honest. Thank the person who invited you and other contacts.

Keep your intro short. They may also be eager to hear you, spectatorsdo not want to listen to a long lead-time-in, or what a friend of mine calls the "When Grandpa West line in 1935" Introduction. (He is very funny.) Get the attention of the audience and cut to the chase - the body of the lecture.

Make point lead. Speech writers tell their customers begin to "tell them what you tell them." You must do the same. State within the meaning of the lecture and summarize your book in one sentence. (This is harder than it sounds.) How do you want to talk, you canTheir main points of this book.

Cite advantages. Although they do not say it out loud is to ask every audience member: "Why should your book?" You should be able to quickly respond to this question. Refer to your book by title, not "the book" and then repeat the title on several occasions.

Tell stories. The audience will not remember me, statistics, but they will remember stories. Tell stories about being a writer or stories from your book. Note that storytelling is not the same as'Humor. If you are good at telling jokes, they are talking to her. Avoid jokes, unless you remember punch lines.

Keep your attention. The Advanced Public Speaking Institute says you should win a "unit attention" every two to four minutes. These devices include things such as movement, shows a support, the distribution of leaflets and delivers one-liners. You can also a Power Point presentation that goes with your book.

Have a strong finish. They want theAudience recall, you and your book. So tell a touching story, or ask the audience to take action, or whisper in your last line for effect. A change of approach can also be a strong finish. If you are giving a talk about a serious subject, for example, you can close on a humorous note.

Remember, the audience thinks of your book to speak, as entertainment.

Eddie Albert, the famous Hollywood actor, was a friend of my father-in-law. I met Eddie several times, and he called me againthanking me for a book that I had sent him. During our conversation, Eddie said he gave a presentation on the conservation this afternoon. The lecture was finished, "said Eddie, but he was still in the entertainment aspect. "You have to educate a conversation," he commented. Good advice for us all.

Copyright 2005 by Harriet Hodgson. All rights reserved.

Harriet Hodgson has a nonfiction writer for 27 years and is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists. Theirlatest book, Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief, with Lois Krahn, MD, is written on To learn more about their work, please visit

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